Sarah Palin in a Towel? Clueless on Africa? Wasilla Hillbillies?

Milquetoast conservatives bring out the long knives for Sarah Palin while the left continue to be angry, hostile, and remarkably ungracious winners. Other people are documenting right-wingers being sore losers, so I ain’t going to bother on that.
Although, I will note they are predicting the GOP is going to self-destruct. How long had pundits on each side predicted the other party was going to self-destruct? Or that their party was going to enjoy a permanent majority? You know what, it almost never happens. Historically, I think the 40-year one-party rule of the Democrat house is going to turn out to have been a fluke. The Whitehouse changes party hands, on average, about every eight years. Pick up a history book, you goobers.
But back to Sarah Palin. Male McCain staffers got to enjoy Sarah Palin coming out in a towel and their complaining? Not only should they be fired, they should be stripped of any claims they had to supposed “manhood”.
Sarah Palin doesn’t know Africa is a continent? Didn’t know what countries were part of NAFTA? Bullshizzle and bullshizzle. In fact, that sounds like folks tried to trap her. They set her up with Charlie Gibson. They set her up with Katie Couric. She spent some, but not nearly enough, time on friendly media. She was set up by losers in the McCain camp, and now they’re trying to make her out to be the problem when, in fact, they were.
I don’t mean to be ungracious, but I hope they all choke on pretzels.
Ben France on the Bullshizzle Palin Smears. Way to go Ben. Take on these retarded mofos who think we’re all as stupid as they claim Palin is.
McCain aids let loose on “Wasilla Hillbillies”. Someone needs to let loose on “McCain’s Loser Campaign Staff that Ran a Losing Campaign and Should Never Be Employed By Anyone Running a Political Campain, Unless they want to Lose–Again”.
Fortunately, Sarah Palin aides are firing back. Toldya, they ain’t going nowhere. Youbetcha.
Nicolle Wallace, who would know, defends Sarah Palin and–get this!–does it publically, and uses her real name and everything. Unlike the “anonymous” staffers who are throwing rocks at Palin’s care from the bridge, the running away as fast as their fat little legs can carry them. Campbell Brown on the falseness of the Palin smears. The Provocateur knows the Sarah Palin smears are bunk. More good points from a Marketplace of Ideas.
Will it work? We shall see. But, I think those folks are full of it, and as long as Republicans want to take their advice on how to campaign and who to nominate in our primaries, Republicans will lose those elections. Bottom line.
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