Cheetah Girl Adrienne Bailon Pictures!
PHOTOS! Here are those pictures of Cheetah Girl Adrienne Bailon. But who is Adrienne Bailon? And with the photo scandal hitting Cheetah Girls, why yet again another Disney star?
Bailon appeared in a minor role in the film “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.”
So what did Bailon want to do as a girl before … she found the wonders of using a laptop?
She wanted to be a obstetrician, she told the Daily News in July this year.
In an article called “Cheetah Girl Adrienne Bailon is on a fast career track”, Bailon was described as a hot new Disney property, starting as a movie for its cable channel, then CDs, then a c oncert tour. Bailon filmed in India here most recent film “The Cheetah Girls One World” Her description of herself for the film was reportedly the following: “It was a dream come true,”
Bailon says. “We’re such adventurous girls in real life.” Does Bailon’s whole saga u nfolding since Sunday seems all too ironic? She’s engaged to the brother of Kim Kardashian who herself successful channeled her own notoriety with Ray J into a reality tv show following the end of the Simple Life on E! And what about that laptop?
Adrienne Bailon this October reported the robbery of her laptop that led to this latest scandal. In fact, it was Kim Kardashian one year ago this month on November 8, 2007 who also reported a robbery of her laptop from the same airport. While Kardashian claimed the robbery as true, the New York Post reportedly questioned otherwise.
Semi-Nak*d Pics of Cheetah Girl Stolen
Hear what she told momlogic about being a good role model.TMZ reports Bailon was at JFK airport in late October and noticed her laptop computer was missing from her luggage cart. She filed a report with the NY Port Authority -- but later that day her record label received an anonymous phone call from a man saying he had her laptop and would return it for $1000.
A meeting was set up at JFK with the anonymous man, where he was given the money and in turn gave up Bailon's missing laptop. But several semi-nud* photos of Bailon were missing.
"The photos that have surfaced of Adrienne Bailon were stolen from her laptop over a week ago at an airport in NY and sent to several media outlets," Adrienne's representative Jonathan Jaxson said. "These photos were taken in private. Adrienne will be pursuing legal action against the person or persons sending these private photos out. Adrienne is deeply sorry for any pain this may have caused to her fans."
Adrienne Bailon joins a long line of Disney stars such as Vanessa Hudgens and Miley Cyrus who have had racy photos leak on the web. If your kids happen to see the pics online, what do you say? Rosanne Tobey, L.P.C. says it's key to help kids distinguish between the character and the real person. "Put her actions in context," Tobey says. "Point out that she obviously made a mistake. She didn't have maturity to make the right choice. Kids need to know that although her character is a role model, she is not." In other words, Bailon is a real person and real people, unlike heroes, are not perfect.
You could also use this as a teachable moment about the dangers of taking racy digital photos or posting questionable pics on the 'net, says Tobey.
By the time your private business has gone public, you can't take it away. "I think this is a perfect example parents can use to illustrate why NOT to take or post pics you don't want the entire world to see," Rosanne says. "Even though you think the pics will never get out, there's no guarantee. All it takes is one click of a button. And once it's out there, it's essentially impossible to get it back."
Kids must understand the permanence of the actions they take. "Teens tend to be so savvy, yet they sometimes have a hard time realizing the reach that the web might have," Rosanne says. "If a racy pic is up somewhere with your name attached, and a future employer Googles you and finds it, it can really come back to haunt you."
Even if you trust your teen, they can still make bad decisions. "Talk to your kids about this, even if you think they'd never do something like this in a million years," says Rosanne. "It's not so much that your teen's not trustworthy -- this is just typical behavior of their age."
In light of these new pics, is Cheetah Girl Adrienne Bailon still kid-friendly?
See related story about Adrienne Bailon.
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