Beyonce answers PETA about dog abandonment.

PETA made inquiries about the allegations and concluded that the rumors were false.
"We've had an up and down relationship with the Dreamgirl over her past fur-wearing, but lately it's been on the ups, as she hasn't been seen in fur the past two winters. Today, we were happy to learn from Beyoncé's rep that—as we expected—the Munchie tale is far from the truth and that the dog hasn't even been to the record company's offices in months," PETA states on their website.
Read PETA's full statement and the response from Beyonce's representative on the website.
Beyonce is a scheduled performer at Tuesday's Presidential Inauguration for Barack Obama. PETA will most certainly be watching to see if Beyonce is wearing fur in the frigid D.C. temperatures.
Note to Beyoncé, 'Boss': 'I Got Your Backup'
Prince William County music teacher Carol Mills, 52, is accustomed to singing in front of her 20 or so students during class at Rockledge Elementary School. And, on big occasions at her Alexandria church, Mills is part of a choir that presides over as many as 800 people.
Today, at the Lincoln Memorial, her audience and her act will get something of a massive makeover. Mills will be singing in front of hundreds of thousands of onlookers, perhaps more, at the opening ceremony of the inauguration of Barack Obama. Her colleagues onstage: Bruce Springsteen and Beyoncé.
Mills, in describing her emotions, did not resort to understatement. "This," she said in an interview last week, "may be the pinnacle of my entire existence."
Mills, a member of First Baptist Church of Alexandria, said the concert's producers tapped Joyce Garrett of Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, a well-known choir director, to find backup singers to create the Inauguration Celebration Chorus. Mills, who will be singing with the altos, was asked to participate about two weeks ago, before she knew with which stars she'd be singing.
Last week, when she walked into rehearsal, she finally found out whom she'd be backing. "When I got to rehearsal that night, there were two pieces of music out. One was 'America the Beautiful,' and in small print it said, 'Beyoncé enters, and I said, 'Bingo!' " Mills said. "Then, I saw the other piece of music, 'The Rising,' and as a person who's been to many Bruce concerts, I knew that was his song. I was just beside myself with excitement."
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