Friday, December 19, 2008

Bristol Palin - Levi Johnston's Mother Arrested on Drug Charges

Levi Johnston's Mother Arrested on Drug Charges

The mother of Levi Johnston, the Wasilla teenager who is the father of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter's unborn child, was arrested Thursday on drug charges.

The Anchorage Daily News reported Friday that Sherry L. Johnston, 42, was arrested by Alaska State Troopers at her Wasilla home and charged with six felony counts of misconduct involving a controlled substance.

The arrest was the result of an "undercover narcotics investigation," according to police.

Few details were available. Johnston was released on $5,000 bond, according to the paper.

Johnston's son, Levi, drew headlines soon after John McCain named Palin to be his running mate at the end of August. The campaign announced in a press release that Palin's 17-year-old daughter Bristol was pregnant, and that Johnston, 18, was the father. The story became the soap-opera subplot to the Republican National Convention the next week.

Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin have said they intend to marry in the summer. Their baby is due Saturday, according to the Anchorage Daily News.

Levi Johnston's Mother Busted In Drug Raid

Bristol Palin isn’t exactly going to have the mother-in-law of the year. She’s no Sarah Palin! Sherry Johnston, mother of Bristol’s fiancé Levi, was just busted in an undercover drug raid by Alaska State Troopers yesterday.

According to the Anchorage Daily News, Sherry was charged with six felony counts of misconduct, involving a controlled susbstance. Sherry was served the warrant around noon at her home in Wasilla, Alaska, at the "conclusion of an undercover narcotics investigation," a police statement read. She was released on a $5,000 unsecured bond.And to make matters even worse, Bristol is due with her baby in just two days!

Although we realize this has nothing to do with Sarah Palin, it’s hard not to just check off yet another bit of drama that seems to go hand-in-hand with the entire Palin family. But Sarah’s spokesman Bill Allister defends her, saying, "This is not a state government matter. Therefore the governor's communications staff will not be providing comment or scheduling interview opportunities."

No other information is being released at this time. But we’re sure Sarah Palin will schedule some interviews to talk about it just to get herself back in the public eye. She went from 100 to zero in about 5 seconds after Obama’s win! It was like she fell off the face of the earth! This is the perfect scandal to get people interested again!

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Bristol Palin - Future Mother-in-Law Arrested !!!

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