On May 25, 2009, Exodus Tyson, 4 years of age, was found by her 7 year old brother Miguel Tyson, unconscious and tangled in a cord dangling from an exercise treadmill. The child's mother untangled her, administered CPR and called for medical attention. Exodus was listed in "extremely critical condition" at Phoenix's St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center. The following day on May 26, 2009 at 11:45 AM she died of her injuries.
Exodus was playing near the exercise equipment while her mother was cleaning in a separate room at 10:30 this morning. The mom sent the brother to look for the 4 year old, Fox reports.
After finding her in distress, he alerted his mother, who found Exodus on a treadmill with what has been described as a cable around her neck, according to police, who call it a "tragic accident."
Tyson has been legally married twice and has had six children with several different women. His first marriage was to actress Robin Givens from February 7, 1988 to February 14, 1989. Givens was known for her work on the sitcom Head of the Class. Tyson's marriage to Givens was especially tumultuous with allegations of violence, spousal abuse and mental instability on Tyson's part and allegations of gold digging against Givens.
Mike Tyson has fathered eight children. He married his first wife successful actress Robin Givens on 8th February 1988 but the marriage ended the following year following allegations of violence made by Givens. At one stage Givens claimed on television that Tyson was suffering from manic depression (now known as bi-polar disorder). In 1991 Tyson admitted he was the father of a baby girl born in 1991 to Kimberley Scarborough.
Another woman Natalie Fears claimed in the same year that Tyson was the father of her son but a blood test showed that this was not the case and her multimillion dollar lawsuit collapsed. In 1997 Tyson married M